Ivan’s Jet Kits



As you Foreign ZRX owners know, Ivan does not list an email address on his website, and does not like shipping jet kits outside the USA. I have struck a deal with Ivan to sell kits outside the USA, except Europe, and to also install them in my shop or when I rebuild your carbs.

    If you live within the USA and are going to install your kit yourself, or locally, please call Ivan direct and he will sell you a kit. His phone number is 845-268-1212 and he will be happy to take your order.

    If you live within Europe, contact www.sgmotorsport.com They are Ivan’s Distributor in Europe.

    With carb work, I will install an Ivan’s kit to the baseline settings for no extra charge.. If you order for out of the USA separately, I can fill your order.

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Weight N/A
Ivan's Jet Kit

For Pod Airfilters, For modded stock Airbox & Stock Filter

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